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Human Rights Council 

Chair: Sophia Soler
Co-Chair: Ramón Mendoza
Secretary: Franco Piovesan

1.     Future career? ublicity, Public Relations and Audiovisual Communication 

2.     Favorite show to binge watch?Grey’s Anatomy

3.     If you could be at any place right now, where would you be? Tokyo, New Delhi 

4.     If your home was burning down ,and  you  could only take three things with you, what would they be? My phone, my box of memories and my clothes.

5.     What would you do if you won the lottery?

I would save all the money necessary to pay my college tuition and my universitary life( apartment, food, bills) and with the rest, I would go on a moderate shopping spree, and then invest the rest.

6.     If you could have dinner with someone dead or alive, who would it be? IPrincess Diana or Justin Bieber 

Chair, Sophia Soler

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